Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~ help our earth ~

  • The Market:
    -Take your grocery bags back to the store for reuse, or use a permanent bag.
    -Some food is sold wrapped in 3 or 4 layers of packaging...try to buy brands with minimum packaging.
    -Try not to use throwaway cameras, flashlights or shaving razors.
    -Buy packaged goods in bulk.
    -Buy used goods (junk yards, thrift stores, garage/yard sales).
    -Buy products in recyclable and/or recycled containers.
    -Avoid plastics and disposable plates, cups and utensils.
    -Buy/use cloth diapers instead of disposable.
  • At Home:
    -Try to stop junk mail or get off as many junk mail lists as possible.Recycle used motor oil.
    -Compost food wastes and yard debris.
    -Mend and repair rather than discard and replace.
    -Separate aluminum, glass, newspaper, cardboard, white paper and colored paper before recycling.
    -Use rags instead of paper towels.
    -Use a coffee mug instead of disposable cups.
    -Use both sides of paper sheets.
  • Home Energy Use
    -Insulate, caulk and weatherstrip your home. Insulate floors with carpeting. Install double-paned windows.
    -Install a timer on your thermostat.
    -Wear a sweater rather than turn up the thermostat.
    -Install a solar water heater.
    -Insulate you water heater and storage tank.
    -Keep your water heater at 120 degrees.
    -Use energy-efficient appliances.
    -Use fluorescent in place of incandescent light.
    -Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.
    -Plant trees to shade your house in summer.
    -Hang your clothes in the sun to dry.
    -Keep lint screen and outside exhaust on dryer clean.
  • Getting Around
    -Use public transportation, carpool, bike or walk.
    -Drive a fuel-efficient car.
    -Keep your car well-tuned.
    -Live close to your place of work.
    -Call ahead before you shop and consolidate errands.
  • Trees
    -Plant trees in your community.
    -Plant fruit & nut trees in your backyard.
    -Don't buy products made from tropical hardwoods.
  • Water Conservation
    -Install a water-saving showerhead.
    -Take showers rather than baths.
    -Install a space-occupier in your toilet.
    -Install sink faucet aerators.
    -Turn off the water between rinses when shaving and brushing teeth.
    -Use a broom rather than hose to clean walkways.
    -Don't let the hose run when you wash your car.
    -Wash your car with a bucket of soapy water.
    -Water plants and lawn in the morning to minimize evaporation.
    -Install a drip-irrigation water system.
    -Plant drought-tolerant plants.
  • Pesticides/Eating Habits
    -Eat lower on the food chain.
    -Buy organic foods to discourage pesticide use.
    -Grow your own food using alternatives to pesticides.
    -Buy foods without additives and preservatives.
    -Avoid highly processed foods.
    -Support food co-ops and farmer's markets.
    -Buy foods grown or produced locally.
    -Be creative with leftover food.
  • Hazardous Products
    -Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.
    -Use alternatives to toxic household products.
    -Dispose of household hazardous wastes properly.
    -Use rechargable batteries.
    -Purchase appliances with alternatives to ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons.
    -Think about purchasing a car without air conditioning to avoid using CFC's.
    -Purchase a halon-free fire extinguisher.
  • Activism
    -Educate yourself and others on environmental issues.
    -Purchase from environmentally responsible businesses.
    -Know the voting records of your elected officials; write letters to your representatives supporting environmental action.
    -Get involved in local politics to influence local environmental policy decisions.
    -Take time to learn about and enjoy nature!

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