Tuesday, November 17, 2009



He has not changed
he is not a bag guy
pain has made him cruel


~Takezo Kensei ~

Dragon came to Kensei’s palace to collect on their deal.

The Dragon demanded the life of the princess.

Kensei refused and cut out his own heart, handed it to the dragon and said, “My love is in here. Take it.”
And then he died.

When the Dragon saw what Kensei was willing to sacrifice for his love he was so moved that he replaced Kensei’s heart and breathed fire-life back into the swordsman.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

~ how am I ~

It's time to wake up......................
.....................leaving my COZY bed
hugging my.................... SMELLY pillow

washing my LOUSY face,.,.,.,.,.,.
..........,,,,wearing a new MASK
taking a SCRUMPTIOUS breakfast..........

packing tons of bOOK into my UGLY bag,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
taking NEW drugS.//////............................

How am I going on??>><<<
I felt nUmB..................
I can't feel u anymore......................

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~ help our earth ~

  • The Market:
    -Take your grocery bags back to the store for reuse, or use a permanent bag.
    -Some food is sold wrapped in 3 or 4 layers of packaging...try to buy brands with minimum packaging.
    -Try not to use throwaway cameras, flashlights or shaving razors.
    -Buy packaged goods in bulk.
    -Buy used goods (junk yards, thrift stores, garage/yard sales).
    -Buy products in recyclable and/or recycled containers.
    -Avoid plastics and disposable plates, cups and utensils.
    -Buy/use cloth diapers instead of disposable.
  • At Home:
    -Try to stop junk mail or get off as many junk mail lists as possible.Recycle used motor oil.
    -Compost food wastes and yard debris.
    -Mend and repair rather than discard and replace.
    -Separate aluminum, glass, newspaper, cardboard, white paper and colored paper before recycling.
    -Use rags instead of paper towels.
    -Use a coffee mug instead of disposable cups.
    -Use both sides of paper sheets.
  • Home Energy Use
    -Insulate, caulk and weatherstrip your home. Insulate floors with carpeting. Install double-paned windows.
    -Install a timer on your thermostat.
    -Wear a sweater rather than turn up the thermostat.
    -Install a solar water heater.
    -Insulate you water heater and storage tank.
    -Keep your water heater at 120 degrees.
    -Use energy-efficient appliances.
    -Use fluorescent in place of incandescent light.
    -Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.
    -Plant trees to shade your house in summer.
    -Hang your clothes in the sun to dry.
    -Keep lint screen and outside exhaust on dryer clean.
  • Getting Around
    -Use public transportation, carpool, bike or walk.
    -Drive a fuel-efficient car.
    -Keep your car well-tuned.
    -Live close to your place of work.
    -Call ahead before you shop and consolidate errands.
  • Trees
    -Plant trees in your community.
    -Plant fruit & nut trees in your backyard.
    -Don't buy products made from tropical hardwoods.
  • Water Conservation
    -Install a water-saving showerhead.
    -Take showers rather than baths.
    -Install a space-occupier in your toilet.
    -Install sink faucet aerators.
    -Turn off the water between rinses when shaving and brushing teeth.
    -Use a broom rather than hose to clean walkways.
    -Don't let the hose run when you wash your car.
    -Wash your car with a bucket of soapy water.
    -Water plants and lawn in the morning to minimize evaporation.
    -Install a drip-irrigation water system.
    -Plant drought-tolerant plants.
  • Pesticides/Eating Habits
    -Eat lower on the food chain.
    -Buy organic foods to discourage pesticide use.
    -Grow your own food using alternatives to pesticides.
    -Buy foods without additives and preservatives.
    -Avoid highly processed foods.
    -Support food co-ops and farmer's markets.
    -Buy foods grown or produced locally.
    -Be creative with leftover food.
  • Hazardous Products
    -Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.
    -Use alternatives to toxic household products.
    -Dispose of household hazardous wastes properly.
    -Use rechargable batteries.
    -Purchase appliances with alternatives to ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons.
    -Think about purchasing a car without air conditioning to avoid using CFC's.
    -Purchase a halon-free fire extinguisher.
  • Activism
    -Educate yourself and others on environmental issues.
    -Purchase from environmentally responsible businesses.
    -Know the voting records of your elected officials; write letters to your representatives supporting environmental action.
    -Get involved in local politics to influence local environmental policy decisions.
    -Take time to learn about and enjoy nature!