Saturday, May 30, 2009

~ Will you?? ~

If I write you a song, will you listen?
If I make you a dinner, will you eat it?
If I give you a call, will you pick the phone up?
If I buy you a ticket, will you go with me?
If I leave you alone, will you miss me?
If I call you 'mine', will you mind?
If I bring you a sozai, will you accept it?
If I am the sozai, will you love it?
If I give you the sozai's heart, will you take it?
If you break the sozai's heart, will you fix it?
If you love sozai, will you tell him?
If you lose sozai, will you cry?
If you are her, will you be mine?

sozai will always with you


Jonathan GuokXiang said...

dun give up easily o...
trust me,
if u think u can,
u can...
one day,
she will be yours...

shinn said...

Yes, She's definitely singing Jason Miraz's {I'm Yours} now...

ChunhornG said...

dun give up...
happy holiday...