Monday, June 26, 2017

I'm back

Today is when I'm starting over again

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Am I better off Dead?

They say a few drinks could help me forget her
I'm smiling but close to tears
Every drunk step leads me to her door
If she sees how much I'm hurting
She'll take me back for sure

Thursday, April 5, 2012

¬ LOL ¬

It's me =]

¬ outsider ¬

UCSI university just put me on their waiting list with the reason of " I am an OUTSIDER"
They look so warm and friendly
I know what an OUTSIDER should go for
They don't mean to hurt me because they just don't reject me precisely

Do I have a chance to join you?
Sometimes maybe you will need a black though it's a dirty colour
Am I an OUTSIDER for you?

¬ Destroyable ¬

you will never know
how it feels.......
when someone tells you she will die without others than you =[

I am not invulnerable

Friday, March 2, 2012

~ something you would never know ~

Maybe you are one of them?
Yea, it is not a great feeling :(
I have it every moment when I am with you

Thursday, March 1, 2012

~ Imperfection ~

I am so sorry about my innate Imperfection :(

My ugly appearance has become the dominant allele in my DNA
My unbearable jealousy of you has filled my body
My stupidity in speaking has made misunderstand between us
My idleness in KH room has made my brain just full with your shadows
My inaccurate timing of calling on you has made some inconvenience in your hustle life
My worries about you seems to be my favourite habits throughout my daily routine

I just need a comforting sound from you
I just need an affirmation from you
I just need to take a nap ? ><

let pray for the imperfect, poor GUY